Key Research Interests

In general, I have the following key research interests as its core:

  1. Ontology and its applications
  2. Knowledge Management (KM) and Knowledge Management Systems

Currently, I am looking for potential students who are interested in the following research areas of interests, using ontologies and KM principles in:

  • Interoperating information systems (IIS) – Systems Integration.
  • Software engineering (SE) – Requirement Engineering.
  • Enterprise systems (ES) – A life cycle of ES.
  • Knowledge management systems (KMS) – ontology-based solution for KMS.

The projects would often fall into the area of “Ontology-based” or “Ontology-driven” as well as “KM Principle” applied in advanced SE, ES, KMS as well as IIS.

Anyone wishing to work with me are most welcome.

Please email me directly to

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