Postgraduate Students

Currently under PhD supervision (fully research) – Main supervisor

  1. Mr. Faisal Mohd Amin (Faisal) – Problem in Data Quality Management Framework for Smart Farming Management Systems, commenced in March 2024, confirmed in month-year, submitted in month-year [UKM]
  2. Mr. Ahadi Mohd Nasir (Ahadi) – Problem in Information Dashboard Design Method for Smart Waste Management Systems, commenced in March 2023, confirmed in January-2024, submitted in month-year [UKM]
  3. Mr. Liew Kok Leong (Larry) – Problem in VR Dashboard Design Method for Smart Farming Management Systems, commenced in March 2022, confirmed in June-2023, submitted in month-year [UKM]
  4. Mr. Mohd Khairul Maswan Mohd Redzuan (Khairul) – Problem in ICT adoption for Smart City Domain: Intention to Use, commenced in Feb-2018, confirmed in month-year, submitted in Month-year [UKM

Currently under PhD supervision (fully research) – Co(external-UTM)-supervisor

  1. NIL
  2. NIL

Currently under MSc supervision (fully research) – Main supervisor

  1. Mrs. Fazita Irma Tajul Urus (Fazita) – Problem in Data Integration Framework for Smart Farming Management Systems, commenced in September 2023, confirmed in June-2023, submitted in Month-year [UKM]
  2. Mr. Mohd Firdaus Sulaiman (Firdaus) – Problem in Data Synchronization in Cloud-based Storage Management for Smart Farming Domain, commenced in March-2022, confirmed in February-2023, submitted in Month-year [UKM]
  3. Mr. Nik Mohd Habibullah Nik Mohd Nizam (Habib) – Problem in Q-system solution, commenced in Jan-2021, confirmed in Month-year, submitted in Month-year [UKM

Currently under MSc supervision (fully research) – Co-supervisor

  1. NIL

Currently under MSc supervision (mixed-mode) – Main supervisor

  1. NIL

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