Ontology: Fundamental and Design
- Ahmad, M.N., Abdalla Badr, K.B., Colomb, R.M. & Ibrahim, R. (2012). Ontology-based Applications in Information Systems Research: Through the Lens of Design Science Research Methodology. 16th AIS Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS ’12), 11th-15th July, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
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- Colomb, R.M. & Ahmad, M.N. (2010). A Perdurant Ontology for Interoperating Information Systems based on Interlocking Institutional Worlds. Applied Ontology, 5(2010), 47–77.
- Ahmad, M.N., Colomb, R.M. & Sadiq, S. (2008). UML-based DEMO profiles as metaconcepts for interlocking institutional worlds. In Proceedings of the AIS 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS’08), Suzhou, China, 3–7 July 2008 (pp. 1433–1445).
- Erl, T. (2008). SOA: Principles of Service Design. Boston, MA: Prentice Hall.
- Colomb, R.M. (2007). Ontology and The Semantic Web. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
- Colomb, R.M. & Ahmad, M.N. (2007). Merging ontologies requires interlocking institutional worlds. Applied Ontology, 2(1), 1–12.
- Dietz, J.L.G. (2006). Enterprise Ontology. New York: Springer-Verlag.
- Colomb, R.M., Raymond, K., Hart, L., Emery, P., Welty, C., Xie, G.T. & Kendall, E.K. (2006). The object management group ontology definition metamodel. In C. Calero, F. Ruiz & M. Piattini (eds), Ontologies for Software Engineering and Software Technology (pp. 217–247). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
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- Colomb, R. M. (2006). Formal versus material ontologies for information systems interoperation in the semantic web. The Computer Journal, 49(1), 4–19.
- Guizzardi, G. (2005). Ontological Foundations for Structural Conceptual Models. The Netherlands: University of Twente, Telematica Instituut.
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Ontology: Upper Ontologies / Foundational Ontologies
- Guizzardi, G. (2005). Ontological Foundations for Structural Conceptual Models. The Netherlands: University of Twente, Telematica Instituut.
Ontology: Domain Ontologies
[A List of domain Ontologies]
Ontology: DEMO Ontology and Its Applications
[EEI] | [Jan Dietz] | [Enterprise Ontology using DEMO] | [DEMO Related Publications]
Ontology: UFO-A Ontology and Its Applications
[NEMO Research Group] | [Giancarlo Guizzardi]
- Carvalho, V. C., Almeida, J.P.A., Fonseca, C.M., & Guizzardi, G. (2017). Multi-level Ontology-based Conceptual Modeling. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 109(May 2017), 3-24.
- Jr Santos, P. S., Almeida, J.P.A. & Guizzardi, G. (2013). An Ontology-based analysis and semantics for organizational structure modeling in the ARIS method. Information Systems, 38(5), 690-708.
- Goncalves, B., Guizzardi, G. & Pereira Filho, J.G. (2011). Using an ECG reference ontology for semantic interoperability of ECG data. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 44(1), 126-136.
- More please click here: Peer-reviewed
Design Science Research (DSR) Methodology: Fundamental and Frameworks
[DESRIST Conferences Series @ Springerlink] | [DESRIST Conferences]
- Venable, J., Pries-Heje, J., & Baskerville, R. (2016). FEDS: a Framework for Evaluation in Design Science Research. European Journal of Information Systems, 25, 77–89.
- Gregor, S and Hevner, A. (2013). Positioning and Presenting Design Science Research for Maximum Impact, MIS Quarterly, 37(2), 337-355.
- Geerts, G. L. (2011). A design science research methodology and its application to accounting information systems research. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 12(2011), 142-151.
- Hevner, A. R., & Chatterjee, S. (2010). Design Research in Information Systems: Theory and Practice. Springer, Dordrecht.
- Peffers, K., Tuunanen, T., Rothenberger, M. A., and Chatterjee, S. J. (2008). A design science research methodology for information systems research. Journal of Management Information Systems, 24(3), 45-77.
- Kuechler, B. & Vaishnavi, V. (2008). Theory Development in Design Science Research: Anatomy of a Research Project. European Journal of Information Systems, 17(5), 489-504
- Gregor, S and Jones, D. (2007). The Anatomy of a Design Theory. Journal of the Association of Information Systems, 8(5), 312-335.
- Hevner, A. R., March, S. T., Park, S. and Ram, S. (2004). Design Science Research in Information Systems. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 28(1 (March 2004)), 75-105.
- March, S. and Smith, G. (1995). Design and natural science research on information technology. Decision Support System 15(4), 51–66.
- Simon, HA. (1996). The sciences of the artificial. 3rd Edition. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
Design Science Research (DSR) Methodology and Its Applications
- Cagdas, V and Stubkjaer, E. (2011). Design research for cadastral systems, Computer, Environment and Urban Systems, 35(2011), 77-87.
Design Science Research (DSR) Methodology and Its Applications: Thesis
- Marigo Raftopoulos. (2016). How Organizations Play: Creating Stakehoder Value with Enterprise Gamification. PhD Thesis, College of Design, RMIT, Australia.
- Suraya Yaacob. (2016). Visual Representation Design for Collaborative Complex Cognitive Activities. PhD Thesis, Institute of Visual Informatics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia.
- Kamal Badr Abd Badr (2016). An Ontological Approach to Conceptual Modeling of Lessons Learned Management. PhD Thesis, Department of Information Systems, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia.
- Bahareh Rahmanzadeh Heravi (2012). Ontology-based Standards Development. PhD Thesis, Department of Information Systems, Brunel University, UK.
- Siti Hajar Othman (2012). Metamodelling Approach for Managing Disaster Management Knowledge. PhD Thesis, Faculty of Informatics, University of Wollongong, Australia.
- Alexander Osterwalder (2004). The Business Model Ontology: A Proposition in a Design Science Approach. PhD Thesis, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Knowledge Management (KM): Fundamental, Processes, Applications