Dr. Kamal Badr Abdalla Badr (Kamal)

Abstract: A Lesson Learned System (LLS) is a type of Knowledge Management System (KMS) that serves the purpose of capturing, storing, disseminating and sharing an organization’s verified Lessons Learned (LL). Although there are many available LLSs which have been developed and deployed using cutting-edge technologies and software in various domains, the problems that impede LL sharing and reuse have not yet been resolved. Most of these systems have failed to deliver their intended purpose in promoting knowledge sharing and reuse due to lack of proper specifications at domain level prior to their implementation at software level. This research developed a conceptual domain model for Lesson Learned Management (LLM) to address problems associated with knowledge sharing and reuse. The aim of this research is to model Lesson Learned Domain using ontology that includes actions (Perdurants) and objects (Endurants) created by these actions. To develop the LLM conceptual model, a specific methodology for building a single ontology was developed and representation systems that are semantically rich and ontologically well-founded for both Endurant and Perdurant were used. The developed conceptual domain model was syntactically and semantically evaluated using foundation ontology, in a real organizational setting using case study of disaster management and finally a posterior evaluation by experts was performed. The well-crafted conceptual domain model (ontologies) has been proven to be useful, effective and beneficial for developing LLS and fruitful for KMS mainly in the context of LLS supporting the domain of Interlocking Institutional Worlds (IWs) to better promote knowledge sharing and reuse. In the development of this ontology, the focus was on producing a conceptual domain model, generally for KMS, and particularly for LLS. This research has made a significant contribution to this important domain by unifying key concepts into a model that can be used as knowledge sharing platform.

  • “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”– George Santayana
  • Santayana’s philosophy. “If we don’t learn from history, if we don’t capture it and write it down and have it in some retrievable fashion, we will repeat its mistakes,”
  • NOKIA lesson learnt – Click here
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